First, you need to open Excel.
ALT + F11
to open the Visual Basic for Applications editor.In the VBA editor, you can insert a new module by going to
Insert > Module
. This will create a new module where you can write your code.Now, you can use the following script which uses VBA to rename the files in the folder:
Here, variables to hold the folder path, the current file name, the new file name, and the file number are declared.
This line is where you specify the directory that contains the files you want to rename. You need to replace `"C:\YourFolderPath\"` with the path to your target folder.
`fileNumber` is initialized to 1, indicating the starting number that will be appended to the file names.
This line checks if the folder path ends with a backslash `\` and if not, it adds one. This is necessary because the backslash is used in file paths to separate directory levels.
The `Dir` function is used to return a string representing the name of the first file in the directory that matches the string pattern `*.*`, where `*` is a wildcard that represents any sequence of characters. This means it will match all files regardless of their file extension.
This is the beginning of a loop that continues until there are no more files in the directory (i.e., until `Dir` returns an empty string).
Within the loop, a new file name is constructed by concatenating the string `"File "`, the current `fileNumber`, and the file's extension. The `Mid`, `InStrRev`, and `"."` are used to extract the file extension from the original file name.
This line uses the `Name` statement to rename the file. It specifies the old file name and path, and the new file name and path.
This line uses the `Dir` function without arguments to retrieve the next file in the directory.
This increments the `fileNumber` by 1 for each iteration of the loop, so that each file gets a unique number.
After the loop has finished (all files have been renamed), a message box is displayed to inform you that the renaming process is complete. The `vbInformation` constant gives the message box an information icon.
Declaring Variables:
Dim folderPath As String Dim fileName As String Dim newFileName As String Dim fileNumber As Integer
Specifying the Folder Path:
folderPath = "C:\YourFolderPath\"
Initializing the File Number:
fileNumber = 1
Ensuring the Folder Path is Correct:
If Right(folderPath, 1) <> "\" Then folderPath = folderPath + "\"
Retrieving the First File in the Directory:
fileName = Dir(folderPath & "*.*")
Loop to Rename Files:
Do While fileName <> "" '... Loop
Constructing the New File Name:
newFileName = "File " & fileNumber & Mid(fileName, InStrRev(fileName, "."))
Renaming the File:
Name folderPath & fileName As folderPath & newFileName
Moving to the Next File:
fileName = Dir()
Incrementing the File Number:
fileNumber = fileNumber + 1
Message Box to Indicate Completion:
MsgBox "Files have been renamed!", vbInformation
Full Code:
Sub RenameFilesInFolder() ' Declare variables Dim folderPath As String Dim fileName As String Dim newFileName As String Dim fileNumber As Integer ' Specify the folder path where the files are located (end the path with a backslash "\") folderPath = "C:\YourFolderPath\" ' <-- .="" 1="" a="" add="" are="" backslash.="" change="" check="" ends="" file="" filenumber="1" files="" folder="" folderpath="" if="" initialize="" located="" not="" number="" path="" right="" the="" this="" to="" where="" with="" your=""> "\" Then folderPath = folderPath + "\" ' Get the first file in the directory fileName = Dir(folderPath & "*.*") ' <-- all="" asterisk="" change="" do="" e.g.="" extensions="" file="" filename="" files="" for="" limit="" loop="" means="" only="" rename="" specific="" start="" text="" the="" to="" txt="" types.="" while=""> "" ' Construct new file name newFileName = "File " & fileNumber & Mid(fileName, InStrRev(fileName, ".")) ' Rename the file Name folderPath & fileName As folderPath & newFileName ' Move to the next file fileName = Dir() ' Increment the file number fileNumber = fileNumber + 1 Loop ' Inform the user that renaming has been completed MsgBox "Files have been renamed!", vbInformation End Sub -->-->